Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well, changing the gmail email to the new married name means changing the blog as well.

Follow along with the twists and turns, the excitement, the thrill at the new "married" blog site:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ode to a Pumpkin Spice Latte

I just met the sweetest lady at the Starbucks in the Dillons down the street. I think she put some extra pumpkin in my latte, because it is the most pumpkin-ey and yummy drink ever.

Now that the wedding is over (and married life begins), I have a new and improved list of things to do. Included on this list:

1. Mass-mailing of the thank-you notes
2. Applying to grad school
3. Finishing Season 1 of Heroes (Jonathan got me hooked during the last few days of the honeymoon... and I'm addicted)
4. Keep changing my name - it's amazing how many places have my name. Some of them don't even give me a hard time about changing it! Hooray.
5. Finish knitting the sock I started last December
6. Avoid eating oysters (This was a New Year's Resolution, and I'm still going strong! I just might keep that one!)

... And, just in case you haven't seen it elsewhere, here's the haircut. Me gusta.:

Friday, October 12, 2007


Mawwiage is what bwings us togethaw today.
Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement - that dweam within a dweam...

So, the knot has been tied. I've been discovering all of the places that I get to change my name, and hanging out with the husband. It's fabulous.

I also had 13 inches of hair chopped off this morning. Sweet.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Ok go - a million ways

Here it goes.

T-Minus... should I count it down in hours now? That would probably give me a heart attack.

I've found that all of the random stuff to do for the wedding is an excellent excuse for my procrastination. I have this paper that I should have written, oh, a week ago. But now I get to write it after I get home from work at 8:45 or so this evening. Cest la vie. I'm feeling semi-responsible because I did accomplish my goal of getting the prospectus out of the way before the wedding. My defense was arguably less fun and more painful than my next visit to the denstist will be... But alas, I didn't cry until later when I couldn't tie a bow on the program the right way and it became the proverbial straw. I digress. My thesis committee did say some encouraging things, and their interest made me a bit more interested in my topic. I was reminded of how little I truly understand about psychological statistics, and that's never fun. Nonparametrics? Riiiight. This is why I will make bazillions and have someone else do my stats :)

My mind is racing. I'm addicted to "Ok Go" right now. I can't listen to anything slow because I lose my patience. I just might have to join in some guided relaxation I'm leading today at work... if I can make myself be present. That's the goal for today.

Enjoy the video above. It's perfect.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Party time. Excellent.

The girls hosted a bachelorette party for me last night in Manhattan. It was so much fun to see everyone again and to hang in the 'Ville. I can't believe the wedding is 13 days away!

I think it was Wednesday of this past week that was National Talk Like a Pirate Day. As I was driving to work that day, I saw a pirate walking down the street. This pirate was decked out in all of the typical pirate gear, and he was carrying a gigantic Jolly Roger. It was quite the sight to see at 7:00 AM in Lawrence. Arrrrrrg.

I'm also super excited that the Geelong Cats made it the Grand Final (Australian equivalent of the Superbowl)! The big game is next weekend so I'll have to break out the jersey and sing the Geelong fight song. Too bad I can't find a meat pie slathered in tomato sauce to complete the celebration.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Take a break.

And the train conductor says
Take a break, driver eight

Aaaaaah, sweet relief. The first rough draft of my thesis is complete. I have some revisions here and there that I"ll work on this week, and then it's off to the committee so that I can give my prospectus on October 1st!

Driver eight, take a break
We can reach our destination
But we're still a ways away

Last week was eventful. I did five intakes at work and then on Thursday I traveled to Osage City for a look at rural mental health with the cohort. We also attended an ethics workshop at Emporia State University, which was... well, at least there was free pop and a certificate with my name printed on it at the end. The trip involved a large chunk of time trying to figure out which direction we were headed in Emporia, almost running out of gas, and a curious series of power outages in various battery-powered accessories.

I thought I'd let you meet Liz, as it was her internship site that we got to tour (Mental Health Center of East Central Kansas).

We've moved into the teens with the wedding countdown. I think I'm still remaining relatively calm... We'll see how long this lasts.

(Lyrics from "Driver 8" by REM, of course)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Going on a Picnic

As expected, there were no adults playing in the moonwalk this afternoon at the Ogden company picnic. I enjoyed the "petting zoo" and the random donkey who wouldn't agree to be a part of the enclosed zoo and so just wandered around. We also had excellent food catered by Local Burger, which then quickly won a spot on my "reasons to live in Lawrence" list.

I have to write this paper and a big proposal thing by Monday, so I think I'll go watch a movie or something...